zoomed in photo of someone smiling

Teeth Whitening For National Coffee Day: Restore Your Smile And Remove Stains!

September 24, 2019

More than 64% of American adults have at least one cup of coffee per day, and at Carmel Mountain Ranch Dental Care, we know how important it is to start the day with a cup of joe! However, we also know how important it is to keep your smile bright and white.Over time, coffee and other dark beverages like wine, tea and soda can discolor your teeth. Fortunately, we offer professional teeth whitening to combat these issues and keep our patients’ smiles looking great. Here are a few things about your teeth to keep in mind during National Coffee Day:

How Does Coffee Cause Tooth Stains?

Coffee and other dark beverages contain a polyphenol called “tannins.” Tannins can build up on your teeth over time and discolor them due to the porous nature of tooth enamel. To remove these stains, teeth whitening is usually required. In addition, tannins may also build up on the plaque inside your mouth. Plaque is normally colorless, but coffee can stain it, causing your smile to look more brown or yellow. These stains can usually be removed by buffing and brushing your teeth during routine cleanings.

How Teeth Whitening Restores Your Smile

Teeth whitening uses carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from your teeth. These compounds are very volatile when they come into contact with stains on your teeth, and they break down the chemical bonds that hold stains onto your teeth. This reaction “bleaches” away tooth stains and restores the natural white color of your enamel. Teeth whitening can be used to restore your smile in just one or two short appointments with Dr. Carpenter or at Carmel Mountain Ranch Dental Care. You can even use a custom-made take-home whitening kit to brighten your smile in the comfort of your own home.

How to Keep Teeth Bright After Whitening

Cutting back your coffee consumption will help keep your teeth brighter, but we know that’s a tall order! If you still want to keep up your coffee habit without staining your teeth, here are a few things you can do:

  • Use a straw – Drinking coffee through a straw will prevent it from contacting your teeth. In turn, this prevents stains from forming.
  • Rinse and brush after drinking coffee – You should rinse your mouth after you drink coffee with water or mouthwash, then brush a few minutes later. Don’t brush first. Coffee is acidic and weakens your enamel, so if you brush before rinsing out your mouth, you could wear down your enamel.
  • Come in for regular teeth cleanings – Regular, six-month cleanings can help remove minor stains caused by the buildup of tannins on plaque.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste and mouthwash – A peroxide-based whitening toothpaste or mouthwash can help prevent the buildup of stains. Avoid using charcoal “whitening” toothpaste. It is ineffective and can permanently damage your enamel.
  • Consider touch-up appointments – A yearly whitening touch-up at Carmel Mountain Dental Care is affordable, and can help reverse minor stains and prevent further stain buildup, keeping your smile bright.

Celebrate National Coffee Day With A Whiter Smile!

You don’t have to live with a discolored or yellow smile just because you love coffee. With teeth whitening in Carmel Mountain Ranch from Dr. Carpenter, you can keep your smile looking great. Contact us at (858) 487-6453 to get started, or stop by our office at 12075 Carmel Mountain Rd, Suite 210, San Diego, CA 92128 for more information.

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